3.7C Applying the MCA in discharge decisions

3.7C Applying the MCA in discharge decisions

This video aims to show the MCA in everyday practice, the video is a scenario of how the MCA is used during discharge decisions.  before watching the video please keep these facts in mind.

  • Capacity assessment  – must always be decision and time specific
  • The assessor must be the person who is directly involved with the service user at the time the decision needs to be made.
  • Please bare in mind one of the 5 statutory principles of the MCA refers to unwise decisions. A person is not to be treated as unable to make a decision merely because he makes an unwise decision.



After watching the scenario:

1. What decision was the capacity assessment needed for?
2. Who should be the assessor for this type of a decision?
3. What part of the MCA refers to unwise decisions?


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