This video aims to show the MCA in everyday practice, the video aims to show staff how the MCA applies in Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (DNACPR) decisions.
If a service user lacks capacity to make a decision about CPR:
Their previously expressed wishes should be considered if it is valid and applicable
LPA’s can have the power to make the decision on CPR
If a valid option or LPA decision is not in place it falls to staff to carefully work out what would be in the service users best interest.
The benefit of CPR and the harms and risks it might pose for the patient should be agreed by the healthcare team and discussed with those close to or representing the patient.
Consulting with those close to patients in these circumstances is not only good practice, but is also a requirement of the Human Rights Act, and the MCA.
After watching the scenario:
- What should happen if Ann lacks capacity to make a decision about Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)?
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