3.7E Steps to take when a person has a lasting power of attorney

Video 5: Steps to take when a person has a lasting power of attorney

This video aims to show the MCA in everyday practice, the video aims to show staff what steps to take when a person has a lasting power of attorney.


A Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows a person to give another person the authority to make a decision on their behalf.

This ensures that whilst an individual still has the capacity to make decisions, he or she can appoint another person who will make decisions on their behalf if a time arises whereby the individual loses their capacity to make decisions.

A Lasting Power of Attorney must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) before it can be used.

The donor can register the Lasting Powers of Attorney while they are still capable, or the attorney can apply to register the Lasting Powers of Attorney at any time.


After watching the scenario

  • What checks must the GP make when given a copy of an LPA?
  • What happens if the GP goes against  a decision made by the LPA?


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